Permanent tattoos can deform with the aging of the skin, lose their initial appearance or simply stop liking whoever wears them, so they look for ways to erase them from their skin without leaving a trace. Today, tattoo regretters can return to the tattoo artist to have it replaced or go to a specialized dermatologist or cosmetic doctor for complete removal using laser technology.

What does it consist of?

Tattoo removal is done using photoacoustic laser technology, which fragments to pulverize the ink pigments in the skin. Over time, the body metabolizes these particles and eliminates them through the lymphatic system.

Normally this removal takes about 8 weeks, although it is a highly variable time depending on the type of tattoo, its size, colors used and the area in which it is located.

Preparation for laser tattoo removal

When you decide to remove a tattoo that you are no longer satisfied with, you should take into account some factors that may affect the outcome of the treatment. Firstly, we must evaluate the size of the tattoo, the pigmentation’s depth and its colors: blue and black are the easiest colors to remove, while white and yellow are almost impossible to remove. Also, it is necessary to know the date it was made as it is another influential factor: the older the tattoo, the easier it will be to remove it, since it has been partially attacked by macrophages. Furthermore, if the patient undergoing treatment has olive or black skin, there is a risk of disturbing the natural pigmentation of the skin, making removal problematic. Finally, the time of year you choose to erase your “mark” should also be evaluated. Winter is the most appropriate period to remove a tattoo since, in the months after the treatment, you cannot expose the treated skin to sunlight. In addition, sunbathing or UVA ray sessions should be avoided up to 10 days before the session.