Are you discouraged with your appearance due to unsuitability of hair? Millions of people across the globe are self-conscious due to hair loss or thinning. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a non-surgical means of hair restoration that can use a natural solution to deliver natural-looking results. Advanced Aesthetics in Las Vegas aims to provide all patients with a compassionate, safe and satisfying treatment experience. We now offer non-surgical hair restoration PRP therapy to revitalize your hair and with it, your self-confidence.

What is PRP hair restoration?

PRP is growing in popularity among many medical professionals as a minimally invasive, all-natural treatment for treating hair loss and thinning. The PRP formula itself is created and taken from a sample of the patient’s blood. Through special growth properties, PRP can naturally enhance hair growth at the cellular level. We also have a technique of combining PRP with micro-needling for the ultimate skin rejuvenation experience.

Schedule your consultation with us and ask our team about PRP for skin rejuvenation to learn more! What can be expected from the PRP hair restoration treatment process?

During the PRP hair restoration process, a member of our team will draw a blood sample, similar to a regular doctor’s visit. The blood sample is then spun in a centrifuge for a few minutes. The components that make up the blood will dissolve as it rotates. The plasma will begin to bind with various other growth properties, creating the PRP solution.

Results from PRP hair restoration – PRP gradually works to renew hair naturally; Patients may not be able to see immediate results as PRP works to restore hair over time. However, with an optimal treatment plan, our team can help you achieve all-natural results of healthy hair without the need for extensive incisions or highly invasive measures.